descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeSat, 2 Feb 2008 11:15:09 +0000 (00:15 +1300)
2008-02-02 martynow Move checks that you are not trying to capture... master
2008-02-02 marty bugfix: added Move#to_enemy_occupied_square? and made...
2008-02-02 martyadded Piece#threatening? and overrode it in the Pawn...
2008-02-02 martyimplemented Knight#legal?
2008-02-02 martyadded #dx and #dy to Move and slightly refactored ...
2008-02-02 martyimplemented #legal? for Bishop, King, Queen and Rook
2008-02-02 martybugfix: rewrote the diagonal part of Move#squares_betwe...
2008-02-02 martyupdated the main executable script so it really starts...
2008-02-02 martybasic implementation (some stuff still missing) for...
2008-02-02 martyupdated the view to be interactive
2008-02-02 martyadded #to_s to Piece and Square
2008-02-02 martyadded some convenience methods to Piece for creating...
2008-02-02 martyadded Move#execute
2008-02-02 martyupdated Move#squares_between and added Move#clear_path?
2008-02-02 martyadded Board#piece_captured
2008-02-02 martyadded a reference to the Board to the Piece
16 years ago master