descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeTue, 28 Oct 2014 18:26:21 +0000 (18:26 +0000)
2014-10-28 agfinished current sensor type feature. A current thingie... master
2014-10-28 agTake more samples from the i2c chip and remove 4 most...
2014-10-26 agremove max and min as then average.
2014-10-24 agTake multiple readings from the i2c bus and average...
2014-09-10 agremoving old python code. dev
2014-09-10 aggit ignore
2014-09-10 agAdding mmkamp box file and some minor tidy
2014-07-30 agupdate provision scripts, turn them into puppet modules
2014-07-30 agmore work on current views
2014-07-30 agsome work towards db views and measuring amphours
2014-07-29 agfixie fixie class def
2014-07-29 agdomain in template
2014-07-29 agmissing )
2014-07-29 agsome puppet stuff.
2014-07-29 agtidy up
2014-07-20 agcleaned up sensors.rb left only module and class defini...
9 years ago master
10 years ago dev