last changeTue, 22 Mar 2011 03:58:40 +0000 (03:58 +0000)
2011-03-22 genjixMade regex less strict. master
2011-03-22 genjixRemoved echo of SQL query.
2011-03-22 theraone address per proposal. No need to use accounts.
2011-03-21 theraexpanded help text.
2011-03-21 therafixed potential attack vector.
2011-03-21 theraincreased limit to show more proposals by default.
2011-03-21 therapropose creating unique addresses now.
2011-03-21 therachanged title + added footer.
2011-03-21 theramigrated over files.
2011-03-21 genjixdatabase
2011-03-21 genjixinitial commit.
13 years ago master