descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeSun, 25 Jan 2015 23:49:39 +0000 (02:49 +0300)
2015-01-25 kstnMINOR cosmetic changes master
2015-01-25 kstnADDDED move move up/down to separate functions
2015-01-25 kstnADDED wizard mode
2015-01-25 kstnADDED move moving to separate function - CaveMove()
2015-01-25 kstnADDED getting tile char function - CaveGetTile()
2015-01-25 kstnADDED message function - CaveMessage()
2015-01-25 kstnMINOR move saving/loading to separate functions
2015-01-22 kstnADDED move repeated code to functions - DrawFrame(...
2015-01-22 kstnMINOR add sketches for random gold and doors
2015-01-22 kstnMINOR replaced "magic symbols" "." and "#" to $CAVE_MAS...
2015-01-22 kstnMINOR optimize DisplayLOS() - do not draw already drawe...
2015-01-22 kstnADDDED saving/loading seen places and current Y and X
2015-01-22 kstnADDED EncodeRLE() and DecodeRLE()
2015-01-22 kstnMINOR formatting
2015-01-22 kstnADDED save function sketch
2015-01-20 kstnCOMMENT editing
9 years ago master