descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeWed, 22 Aug 2012 19:52:37 +0000 (20:52 +0100)
2012-08-22 Salvatore BrundoGot to chapter 6 master
2012-08-22 Salvatore BrundoOK - -
2012-08-22 Salvatore BrundoGot to the sec 5.3.4
2012-08-16 Salvatore BrundoJust to push!
2012-08-16 Salvatore BrundoOK improved routes
2012-08-16 Salvatore BrundoRefactored title stuff
2012-08-16 Salvatore BrundoSwitched from webrat to capybara
2012-08-15 Salvatore BrundoOK
2012-08-15 Salvatore BrundoSome fun with css
2012-08-15 Salvatore BrundoAll good!
2012-08-15 Salvatore BrundoFixed problems with foundation
2012-08-15 Salvatore BrundoOK
2012-08-15 Salvatore BrundoRefactored pages controller
2012-08-15 Salvatore BrundoInserted basic layouting
2012-08-14 Salvatore BrundoMuch better!
2012-08-14 Salvatore BrundoAdded basic style....working a bit on it!
12 years ago master