last changeSun, 10 May 2009 10:43:52 +0000 (12:43 +0200)
2009-05-10 Jorge Calás... Renamed README.rdoc to README.txt master
2008-07-03 Jorge Calás... Change bug in cheat autocompletion that slow the bash...
2008-07-02 Jorge Calás... Added some modifications
2008-06-25 Jorge Calás... Merging from diasjorge/master
2008-06-25 Jorge Calás... gem working without cache file using gem 1.2.0
2008-06-25 =Improved The installation task. Added support for cheat...
2008-06-13 Jorge DiasCalling /bin/ls in case someone is using an alias,...
2008-06-07 Jorge DiasUpdated the git completion to the latest version
2008-06-02 Jorge DiasFixed some bugs on the installation task
2008-05-26 Jorge Calás... Fixing matching regexp in gem list
2008-05-26 Jorge Calás... Fixed README.rdoc
2008-05-26 Jorge Calás... Updated README.rdoc for new installation instructions
2008-05-26 Jorge Calás... Rake task for installation
2008-05-26 Jorge Calás... adding README.rdoc
2008-05-26 Jorge Calás... Changed README to README.rdoc for github project descri...
2008-05-26 Jorge Calás... Change proyect layout (and meaning)
15 years ago master