descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeWed, 24 Oct 2012 17:03:37 +0000 (12:03 -0500)
2012-10-24 Nolan DarilekAdd implicit conversion for DialogInterface.OnClickList... master
2012-10-24 Nolan DarilekFix a match error.
2012-10-24 Nolan DarilekVarious code cleanup.
2012-10-24 Nolan DarilekAdd ignore spec.
2012-10-24 Nolan DarilekEliminate a warning.
2012-10-24 Nolan DarilekSynchronize package names between source, build system...
2012-10-24 Nolan DarilekRename activities.scala to ui.scala.
2012-10-24 Nolan DarilekUpdate build system and remove cruft.
2011-02-22 Nolan DarilekReturn to last file directory on next save.
2011-02-22 Nolan DarilekConfirm before overwriting a file.
2011-02-22 Nolan DarilekFix issue where document saves failed on reset.
2011-02-16 Nolan DarilekMore robust error-handling.
2011-02-16 Nolan DarilekChange title based on loaded file.
2011-02-16 Nolan DarilekOpening documents works.
2011-02-16 Nolan DarilekAdd application menu and support for creating new docum...
2011-02-15 Nolan DarilekImplement loading and automatically load last file.
11 years ago master