last changeFri, 21 Jan 2011 17:22:22 +0000 (17:22 +0000)
2011-01-21 Neil Wallacewe have a timeline!! master
2011-01-21 Neil Wallacebiggest change is a redirect of STDERR in the player.
2011-01-21 Neil Wallacebig numbers on the clips :)
2011-01-21 Neil Wallacesettings work. All Multi-window states now restored.
2011-01-20 Neil Wallacecode to deal with filenames containing spaces.
2011-01-20 Neil WallaceHopefully - a better experience when rendering.
2011-01-20 Neil Wallaceoops... didn't mean to include this file again.
2011-01-20 Neil Wallaceability to move clips around. QMenu popup for the sourc...
2011-01-19 Neil Wallaceability to move clips left and right on the timeline.
2011-01-19 Neil Wallacemake source dragging source is selected.
2011-01-18 Neil Wallacenew sources widget. Can drag from there to the clips...
2011-01-18 Neil Wallacexml can be edited and applied manually.
2011-01-17 Neil Wallacefixed id issue for sources. (all had same thumbnail...
2011-01-17 Neil Wallacefixes a bug in the "player" where clip timestamps weren...
2011-01-17 Neil Wallacexml validation, and the ability to drag an entire sourc...
2011-01-15 Neil Wallacedrag and drop to clip widget
13 years ago master