last changeThu, 12 Mar 2015 18:28:16 +0000 (19:28 +0100)
2015-03-12 Vincent Riquerupdate README master
2015-03-10 Vincent Riquerionice may not be available
2015-03-10 Vincent Riquersetup: fix higher-than
2014-09-04 Vincent RiquerMerge branch 'toys'
2014-09-04 Vincent Riquercreateindex should run with same context as atom
2014-08-26 Vincent Riquerffmpeg: add "disc" tag
2014-08-26 Vincent Riquerinclude ffmpeg tagreader version in tagreaders dependin...
2014-07-10 Vincent RiquerMerge branch 'toys'
2014-07-10 Vincent Riquercreateindex: exclude PDFs toys
2013-12-10 Vincent RiquerAlbumartist, composer, performer for MP3 event-driven
2013-11-27 Vincent RiquerFix (again!) handling of non-UTF8 characters
2013-11-25 Vincent RiquerFix "/" handling in getDestDir (fixes ticket 3)
2013-11-21 Vincent RiquerRefer to the InDefero forge
2013-11-21 Vincent RiquerAdd bug: ascii-only + immediate copies fail
2013-11-20 Vincent Riquerascii-only: safely handle non-unicode characters
2013-11-20 Vincent Riquerfix file copy: don't copy files if we can't guess the...
9 years ago master
10 years ago toys
10 years ago event-driven
10 years ago ascii
11 years ago video