descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeMon, 19 Jan 2015 18:48:19 +0000 (19:48 +0100)
2015-01-19 2cadzFix the creation of invoice refund. dev_3.0
2015-01-19 2cadzHarmonize the name of the views.
2014-10-18 2cadzUpdate the version.
2014-10-18 2cadzFix the rounding issue (rounding the sum of the line...
2014-10-18 2cadzCall the parent function for standard use, use our...
2014-10-18 2cadzCorrect use of logging module.
2014-07-01 2cadzFixing of forgotten dependency.
2014-06-30 2cadzRemove logging for debug. Corrects the misuse of 'self...
2014-04-20 2cadz[FIX] Rounding in line of sale and invoice to handle...
2014-03-31 2cadz[ENH] Put the transmission of desc. and ref. between...
2014-02-18 2cadz[FIX] Fixing the name of the field 'price_type' in...
2014-02-18 2cadz[FIX] Forgot field 'price_type' in the 'on_change'...
2014-02-18 2cadz[Fix] Add empty choice for price_type in party.
2014-02-11 2cadz[FIX] Enables support for old sales are necessarily...
2014-02-06 2cadz[FIX] Increase version number.
2014-02-06 2cadz[FIX] Update french translation.
9 years ago dev_3.0
10 years ago master