last changeMon, 30 Jan 2012 11:22:33 +0000 (12:22 +0100)
2012-01-30 DaNiMoThFixed about getx86pkgbuild master
2012-01-30 DaNiMoThFixed a problem with outdated scripts
2012-01-20 DaNiMoThFixed svn 1.7 updates
2012-01-17 DaNiMoThFixed makechain
2012-01-01 DaNiMoThBetter handling of x86 packages
2011-12-21 DaNiMoThLittle fixes
2011-12-21 DaNiMoThUsing bash script for providers and multipackages
2011-12-21 DaNiMoThSome fixes
2011-12-21 DaNiMoThChanged a little outdated routine
2011-12-21 DaNiMoThAdded makepkg option, refactored some other
2011-12-21 DaNiMoThRemoved makepkg, added makechain
2011-12-18 DaNiMoThRandom fixes
2011-12-14 DaNiMoThMaintain release
2011-12-06 DaNiMoThUsing pacman in outdated for ppc
2011-12-04 DaNiMoThAdded verbose option. UNSTABLE VERSION
2011-12-04 DaNiMoThSome fixes
12 years ago master