last changeMon, 14 Sep 2009 04:25:54 +0000 (12:25 +0800)
2009-09-14 Erin YuehCreate a, build it only for board with Bluet... master
2009-07-10 Erin YuehRemove IrDA and IPv4/v6 option in print_help.
2009-07-09 Erin YuehUpgrade to version 0.9, remove glib dependency, and...
2009-07-09 Erin YuehAdd some code from verion 0.9 and remove not used code.
2009-07-09 Erin YuehRemoved not used cmake files in doc folder.
2009-07-09 Erin YuehRemove not used CMake files.
2009-07-09 Erin YuehRemove not used CMake files.
2009-07-09 Erin YuehUpgrade the source code to version 0.9, remove glib...
2009-07-09 Erin YuehRemove not used Cmake files.
2009-06-18 Erin YuehModify to use openobex irda.h
2009-06-15 Erin YuehModify to use glib utf8toutf16 and utf16toutf8 functions.
2009-06-15 Erin YuehAdd file to src folder.
2009-06-15 Erin YuehRunning cmake to generate make files.
2009-06-15 Erin Yuehinit the original source files.
14 years ago master