descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeSun, 12 Dec 2010 13:19:51 +0000 (15:19 +0200)
2010-12-12 Janne OksanenFinishing touches master
2010-12-11 Janne OksanenAlarms deleted after being read. Put some pretty on...
2010-12-11 Janne OksanenAdded new icons.
2010-12-11 hemistofixed hotfix
2010-12-11 hemistofinally found why the hell this didn't work
2010-12-11 Janne OksanenFixed a lot of issues concerning alerts.
2010-12-11 Janne OksanenChanged the way the message gets transfered between...
2010-12-11 Janne OksanenAdded class ViewRemindes, removed unused icons
2010-12-05 Janne OksanenMay or may not have fixed bugs in proximity alerts. :P
2010-12-04 Janne OksanenChanged popup dialog to status bar notification
2010-12-04 Janne Oksanenfixed map data transfer issue
2010-12-04 Janne Oksanenconflict resolution
2010-12-04 hemistomodify and delete(from db) will return how many rows...
2010-12-04 Janne Oksanenstuff related to registering the proximityAlert
2010-12-04 hemistoinsert new reminder and insert new preset location...
2010-12-04 hemistodata transfer things between activities, should work
13 years ago master