last changeSun, 1 Jul 2012 14:16:47 +0000 (00:16 +1000)
2012-07-01 Scott Hamiltonbit more of a cleanup, ready for production release. master
2012-07-01 Scott Hamiltonsteal GPL stby instruments from Syd.
2012-06-28 Scott Hamiltonsome rembrandt tweaks
2012-06-19 Scott Hamiltonfix LOC enable problem, tweaks to altitude-hold for...
2012-06-14 Scott Hamiltonsome work on the ATN/FANS ATC interface
2012-06-11 Scott Hamiltonmissing file
2012-06-10 Scott Hamiltonfixes for new positioned data from airportinfo()
2012-06-02 Scott Hamiltonfix up TAXI map positioning and ILS category
2012-06-02 Scott Hamiltonchanges to airportinfo need a few tweaks
2012-05-10 Scott Hamiltonremove rembrandt objects if we aren't using rembrandt.
2012-05-02 Scott Hamiltonstart work on ATN
2012-04-22 Scott Hamiltonmissing models in cleanup.
2012-04-11 Scott Hamiltonmispelt math function.
2012-04-11 Scott Hamiltonbug fix for V/S selected mode
2012-04-11 Scott Hamiltonmissing sound file
2012-04-11 Scott Hamiltonadd some rembrandt light sources, update navdisplay...
14 years ago FGV2_20100510
12 years ago master
12 years ago backport/2.4.0