descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeSun, 14 Dec 2014 20:52:13 +0000 (21:52 +0100)
2014-12-14 echarpTest updated to reflect the required status of tags master
2014-12-14 echarpThe event tags field is now required
2014-12-14 echarpThe select2 tags is now correctly link to related label
2014-12-14 echarpQuick correction for the rss controller
2014-12-14 echarpCorrection to compile active_admin
2014-12-14 echarpSimple haml, to be tested in prod
2014-12-14 echarpEssai de correction, pour ruby 1
2014-12-14 echarpRemoval of better_errors, so that it can run in ruby < 2
2014-12-14 echarpRemoval of better_errors, so that it can run in ruby < 2
2014-12-14 echarpRemoval of better_errors, so that it can run in ruby < 2
2014-12-14 echarpRemoval of better_errors, so that it can run in ruby < 2
2014-12-14 echarpStrip white spaces from event attributes
2014-12-14 echarpBundle update
2014-12-14 echarpCleaning main layout
2014-12-13 echarpLes adresses sont présentées avec une liste pour repren...
2014-12-13 echarpCorrection pour URL des cartes
9 years ago master