descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeSat, 18 Apr 2015 15:46:41 +0000 (17:46 +0200)
2015-04-18 echarpMass submit script updated to use place_name master
2015-04-18 echarpProduction log levels set to info
2015-04-18 echarpBundle update and style updates to follow rubocop recom...
2015-04-07 echarpMissing secret for agenda des communs
2015-04-07 echarpBundle update
2015-04-06 echarpStylesheet specific to agenda des communs
2015-04-06 echarpBundle update
2015-04-04 echarpBundle update
2015-04-04 echarpThe test for event creation is better populated
2015-04-03 echarpBundle update
2015-03-19 echarpBundle update
2015-03-17 echarpOrgas not displayed as associations anymore
2015-03-17 echarpBundle update
2015-03-17 echarpOrganisation admin is more complete
2015-03-15 echarpLogo for agenda des communs
2015-03-08 echarpAjout configuration pour bd des communs
9 years ago master