descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeThu, 4 Dec 2014 11:05:55 +0000 (12:05 +0100)
2014-12-04 FabLAB Asturiascleanup, portable int sizes, initial code for dual... master
2014-12-04 FabLAB Asturiascleanup, portable int sizes, initial code for dual...
2014-10-07 FabLAB Asturiasfixed EEPROM writing
2014-10-07 FabLAB Asturiassend PSS ID as part of status message
2014-10-07 FabLAB AsturiasRead and Program PSS ID, bigger update rate
2014-09-29 FabLAB Asturiaslibraries outside local folder
2014-09-29 FabLAB Asturiaslibraries in local folder
2014-09-29 FabLAB Asturiasfixed conductance value
2014-09-29 FabLAB Asturiasbrainfart - millis = units * 1000
2014-09-29 FabLAB Asturiassend in millisiemens and selectable update rate
2014-09-26 FabLAB Asturiasconductance calculation
2014-06-24 FabLAB Asturias20Hz send loop.
2014-05-29 FabLAB Asturiasread GSR and HRM
2014-05-20 FabLAB AsturiasCleanup, License
2014-05-20 FabLAB AsturiasIMU working, store eeprom calibration values, status...
2014-05-19 FabLAB Asturiasalarms working, changed color functions to use pointers
9 years ago master