descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeThu, 4 Dec 2014 10:20:42 +0000 (11:20 +0100)
2014-12-04 FabLAB Asturiasfinal boards, added usb, switch, correct connectors master
2014-12-04 FabLAB Asturiasfinal boards, added usb, switch, correct connectors
2014-11-23 David Pelloadded microusb
2014-11-20 FabLAB AsturiasFabbable, DRC checked
2014-11-17 FabLAB AsturiasReady to fab
2014-11-13 FabLAB AsturiasRouted HRM board
2014-11-12 FabLAB AsturiasInitial PCB routing
2014-11-12 FabLAB Asturiasfinal schematic
2014-09-16 FabLAB Asturiascleanup and fixes (silk)
2014-09-16 FabLAB Asturiascleanup and fixes (silk), starting final schematic
2014-09-16 FabLAB Asturiascleanup and fixes (silk), starting final schematic
2014-07-21 David Pellofix rgb led silk
2014-07-21 David Pellofix i2c
2014-07-18 David Pellocleanup, top silkscreen
2014-07-18 David Pellofixed i2c
2014-07-17 David Pellopcb fab files
9 years ago master