descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeMon, 6 Oct 2014 00:53:30 +0000 (02:53 +0200)
2014-10-06 Léo Flaventin... Wrong file master
2014-10-06 Léo Flaventin... "maj Dbug.h"
2014-08-25 Léo Flaventin... inc PKGBUILD + md5
2014-08-25 Léo Flaventin... Merge branch 'master' of
2014-08-25 Léo Flaventin... fr_perso update
2014-03-15 Léo Flaventin... correction script install home
2014-03-15 Léo Flaventin... script gen home
2014-03-15 Léo Flaventin... gitconfig aliases
2014-03-15 Léo Flaventin... alia git + term color
2014-01-24 Léo Flaventin... correction install vimrc
2014-01-24 Léo Flaventin... correction install vimrc
2014-01-24 Léo Flaventin... ajout Dbug
2014-01-24 Léo Flaventin... correction imrc
2014-01-24 Léo Flaventin... ajout script changement
2014-01-24 Léo Flaventin... ajout installoss
2014-01-24 Léo Flaventin... ini
9 years ago master